This page is intended for market vendors and participants. Here you will find resources, answers to questions, and helpful tidbits to set you up for a successful market experience including:
Approval process review
Links to All Vendor Meeting materials
How to manage and update your application
Requesting additional dates
Dropping dates
Uploading documents and license/s
Updating/adding products
Invoicing and Payments FAQs
If the market is cancelled this message will be updated.
The DMFM has the right to deny or restrict any vendor or vendor representative’s access to the market for failure to follow the Market Policies. To address, problems, complaints or concerns a vendor grievance must be brought to a DMFM or MDDA staff member within 24 hours of the event.
Please fill out this form to formally submit a Vendor Grievance.
The Market Manager will follow up with you accordingly. Thank you!
Sales reporting is not required, but highly encouraged. All responses are anonymous.
Approval Process
MarketSpread allows for improved communication for each step of the approval process. Please note, that each step may take some time to complete. The most up-to-date information will be available on the individual event application/s in your MarketSpread account. Login and check it out!
Step 1:
Application Approval
Application notices will be sent via email. Once processed, each applicant will receive one of the following statuses. If your application status changes, you will be notified via email.
You’re in!
AKA Waitlisted. You’re approved, however, the Market Manager needs some more time to better understand which individual dates you are approved for. You will be updated accordingly.
The application is being kicked back to the applicant with a specific request for more information so the application can be properly processed.
If any openings arise you will be contacted accordingly.
The participant is not allowed to participate in the market.
Step 2:
Per-Day Status
Approved applicants will need to view which dates they are approved for. To find this information sign into MarketSpread, click APPLICATIONS in the left menu and select the appropriate application. Each requested day will have it’s own status.
A date the participant has requested to attend.
This state indicates the participant is on the waitlist for this day and will be contacted as openings become available—which they do! Quite frequently!
The Market Manager has approved the participant to attend the market this day. The participant is expected to attend. Once a booth has been assigned this status will change to “assigned”.
The participant is not allowed to participate in the market this day.
A default state indicating the participant has not selected to attend this particular day.
Step 3:
Booth Assignment
Approved applicants will also need to view their booth assignments for each approved day. Following the instructions from Step 2 will also allow you to view booth assignments for each approved day.
The Market Manager has not yet assigned a booth for this day, check back!
Typically a pre-season status that indicates the participant has been assigned a booth, however, the Market Map has not yet been made public. Once the map is published, usually shortly before the start of the market season, this will update with the actual booth number.
The actual booth number the Market Manager has assigned you to for the day. Booth assignments are subject to change and often do, sometimes even day-of. Be sure to check your booth assignment often.
2024 All Vendor Meetings
Approved market vendors must attend or review All Vendor Meetings or materials before participating. All other participant classifications or waitlisted vendors are welcome to attend or review this information if they’d like. Musicians, Organizations, and Services do not need to attend or review this information.
A link to each presentation and a video recording of the virtual meetings will be posted here once available.
Vendor Meeting
If you have any questions about the information presented, email farmersmarket@downtownmarquette.org
Wednesday Market Maps
Managing and Updating your Application
All approved applicants are expected to use MarketSpread to communicate changes and manage communication with the Market Manager. MarketSpread has a comprehensive Learning Center full of helpful articles and videos on many topics and questions.
Market Specific Procedures
It’s important to review the videos below as they contain specifics that pertain to the Downtown Marquette Farmers Market policies and procedures.
Adding dates to a MarketSpread application.
Adding documents and licenses.
Removing dates from a MarketSpread application.
Adding, removing, and updating products.
Invoicing and Payments FAQs
Before the start of market season:
Before the start of the market season, approved participants will have an opportunity to review and adjust their dates accordingly (i.e. add or drop dates) without incurring any Drop Fees. The Market Manager will communicate timing and deadlines accordingly before invoicing all vendors for all approved dates. Once a fee is invoiced, payment is expected. The market does not issue refunds.
During the market season:
Any additional fees will be invoiced upon processing once the market season has started. For example, if a date is requested to be added, the fee will be invoiced upon approval by the Market Manager.
All fees are invoiced and emailed to market participants to the email address provided on the application.
You can also login to your MarketSpread account and click “Invoices” in the left-hand menu.
Booth fees are due each day of market participation. Fees can be paid as frequently as each day of attendance, though annual or bi-annual payment is much appreciated.
There are seasonal deadlines for each season:
-All Outdoor Seasons Market fees are due by the first Saturday in September.
-Thanksgiving and Yule Market fees are due on the day of participation.All participants must be current with fees to participate in the market. If you need more flexible payment options please speak directly with the Market Manager. We want to work with you and will do our best to accommodate your needs.
The market accepts card of check payments. We do NOT accept cash.
Pay online with card | Plesae note, when paying online you must pay the full amount of the invoice. If you wish to make partial payments you may do so using one of the following options.
Pay at the Information Booth | Card or check payments are accepted at the Information Booth during regularly scheduled markets.
Mail a check | Make a check out to “Marquette DDA”. Write your business name in the memo. Mail or drop off at the DDA offices 337 W Washington St, Marquette MI 49855
All approved participants are expected to use MarketSpread to manage any changes to their availability. If during the Market season, a vendor consistently requests to drop approved dates, a $5 drop fee per date will be invoiced once the request is processed. Any dates dropped after 9 AM the day before a scheduled market will be charged the full booth fee instead of the drop fee.
No, the market does not issue refunds. Market fees support market operations year-round, hence this strict policy.
There is an exception for extenuating circumstances, which are detailed in the Market Policies under “Additional Policies and Procedures”. If you feel you meet these circumstances you may request a refund by following the procedure laid out in the Market Policies.
Still have questions? View our Market Policies.
Communication Best Practices
The market has several systems in place to facilitate clear communication and ensure smooth operations. Here is a list of common needs and the preferred way to communicate them to the Market Manager.
If you need to update your address, names of market representatives, products, etc please sign into MarketSpread and update this information directly on your application. If you cannot update the information on the application, write a comment for the Market Manager on your application detailing the requested change.
Use MarketSpread to manage this process. You can watch the HOW TO videos above to understand this process.
Sign in to MarketSpread and upload these directly to your application. Here is a link to an article talking you through this process. There is also a HOW TO video above.
File a Vendor Grievance. The link to this form is at the top of the page. Filling out this form can be anonymous and asks all the information needed for the Market Manager to take actionable steps to resolve the issue.
Discussing issues at the market is not appropriate since market days require a lot of attention and focus on other things.
Likewise, emailing is not ideal since several specific elements are required to facilitate swift, actionable solutions. These elements are outlined in the Vendor Grievance form.
Email the market manager at farmersmarket@downtownmarquette.org. This is preferred since it creates a written record and can be followed up with accordingly.
A phone call is appropriate for when a discussion is necessary, or timing is of the essence. 906-376-4122
Call or text the Market Manager at 906-376-4122.
Additional Opportunities