Become a Vendor
We welcome talented producers who make available high-quality goods. Everything sold at the market is a product of hard work by those selling it.
More Resources for Approved Vendors on the Vendor Resource Page
Booth Fees
Saturday Farmers Market
May 17 - Oct 2, 9-1 PM
Nov 1 - 15 10-2 PM
Regular: $30/week
Must be approved for 10+ marketsDrop-in: $35/week
Approved for < 10 markets -
Outdoors at the Marquette Commons on the market plaza.
Wednesday Night Market
June 11 - August 27, 5-8 PM
Regular: $30/week
Must be approved for 10+ marketsDrop-In: $35/week
Approved for < 10 markets -
100 Block of Washington St.
Washington Street businesses are also encouraged to participate and offer outdoor or take-out dining options. The social district will also be active during market hours.
Thanksgiving Market
Saturday, November 22, 2025.
Indoor: $35
Outdoor: $10
Indoors at the Marquette Commons. Outdoor booth space is also available.
Yule Market
Farmers an Growers
$25 fee rate
10 or more market dates
$30 fee rate
NOTE: Regular vendors who pay a fees before the first market or use Auto Pay on MarketSpread will pay a $25 fee rate
9 or fewer market dates
$35 fee rate
Flexible Commitment Options
Full-Time Vendors commit to every market for a specific Market.
Benefits include reduced weekly fees and a dedicated booth for the season duration.
Vendors who have a seasonal product, or limited inventory supply are ideal Part-Time Vendors.
Benefits included reduced weekly fees.
New businesses, first-timers, visiting artists, or someone testing out an idea make a great Drop-In Vendor. We will ask for your availability and notify you shall any openings arise.
Eligible Vendor Types
All agriculture products sold at the market must be grown, raised, or gathered by the farmer, their employee/s, or family member/s, and be in compliance with Michigan Department of Agriculture regulations. We do welcome Cannabis Products as well. Please refer to our Market Policies for more information.
Food Producers
We welcome producers of handmade items that can be consumed, such as bread, jam/jelly, maple syrup, honey, beverages, etc. Food products must be produced in accordance with the MI Cottage Food Law, out of a licensed kitchen, or via a temporary Health Department Food License.
All non-food, artisan products sold at the market must be original and created by the artist. Acceptable works include all media painting, photography, fibers, wood, jewelry, metals, wearable art, personal care products, etc. No kits, imports, or re-sale items are permitted. A Sales Tax license is required to sell tangible product at the market.
Market Vendor Resources
We want our vendors to feel confident and ready to tackle the market day.
Here are resources from the Michigan Farmers Market Association (MIFMA) around three key areas.
Food Safety
How to set up a Hand Washing Station
Safe Food Sampling Guidelines
Safe Food Sampling Packing List
Cottage Food Basics
What should be on a Cottage Food Label
Cottage Food Basics
Cannabis Legality Chart
Frequently Asked Questions about Cannabis