Yoga with the Market
Join us on the first Saturday of the month to participate in a donation-based yoga class. All proceeds will go to supporting our market. Please note, classes are NOT held at the market, rather they will be outdoors around town.

Artists Needed for Art Market on 6/23
On Wednesday night, June 26th, Mqt City's Office of Arts & Culture is teaming up with the Downtown Marquette Farmers Market to have an artisan market at the Marquette Commons.

Announcing The Community Table
The Community Table is intended for local businesses, non-profit organizations, groups, and more. Engage directly with the Marquette Community during the Saturday Morning Outdoor Market!

We have a Certified Market Manager!
The Marquette Downtown Development Authority, along with the Michigan Farmers Market Association (MIFMA), is proud to announce that Market Manager, Sara Johnson recently completed the MIFMA Market Manager Certificate Program.

2020 Late Fall Market will be online only
The Downtown Marquette Farmers Market (DMFM) will transition back to its Online Marketplace for the Late Fall Market Season. The last in-person physical market will be Saturday, October 31, 2020. The Late Fall Market will run November 7-December 19, 2020. Customers will be able to start placing online orders on Sunday, November 1, 2020.
Why Farmers Markets are Essential During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Allowing our community to shop at a farmers market provides numerous benefits in an ideal environment that promotes social distancing while having less overall contact with people. While our overall food distribution chain seems to be unaffected at the moment, food that’s traveling from outside our state or country could have limitations imposed. A farmers market offers locally grown food to local communities. There is little chance for interruption, assuming markets are allowed to be carried out.
Safe Shopper Guidelines
How to shop safely at the Downtown Marquette Farmers Market during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Downtown Marquette Farmers Market to Transition to Physical In Person Market starting July 4, 2020
The Downtown Marquette Farmers Market, sponsored by the Marquette Downtown Development Authority, is transitioning to a physical, in-person market starting Saturday, July 4, 2020. There is no market Saturday, June 27, 2020, to allow for the market and its vendors to prepare for this transition.
Downtown Marquette Farmers Market Launches Online Marketplace
The Marquette Downtown Development Authority (DDA) launched the Downtown Marquette Online Marketplace Farmers Market on May 17 in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic regarding large gatherings and social distancing parameters. Transitioning to a physical market will be assessed as a possible option later in the season.
Downtown Marquette Farmers Market Announces 2020 Season Plans
The Downtown Marquette Farmers Market (DMFM) is a go for the 2020 season. Earlier this week, the Marquette Downtown Development Authority (MDDA) Farmers Market Committee approved the recommendation to begin the season exclusively with an online market. Initiating a physical market will be assessed later in the season.

Marquette DDA Hires New Farmers Market Manager
The Marquette Downtown Development Authority (MDDA) is pleased to announce the hiring of the new Downtown Marquette Farmers Market Manager, Sara Johnson.